# - * -编码:utf - 8 - * - # 2015 - 2022 - Ro版权boDK Inc. - //www.jasonament.com/ # # This file loads the compiled version of the RoboDK post processor for: # ABB RAPID S4C robot controllers # # More information about RoboDK Post Processors and Offline Programming: # //www.jasonament.com/help#PostProcessor # //www.jasonament.com/doc/en/PythonAPI/postprocessor.html # ---------------------------------------------------- import sys import os #Needed to make the robodk generated code work import math from robodk import * # Detect Python version and post processor print("Using Python version: " + str(sys.version_info)) path_app = os.path.dirname(__file__).replace(os.sep,"/") print("RoboDK Post Processor: " + path_app) # Check if the post is compatible with the Python version version_str = str(sys.version_info[0]) + str(sys.version_info[1]) path_library = path_app + '/v' + version_str if not os.path.isdir(path_library): msg = "Invalid Python version or post processor not found. Make sure you are using a supported Python version: " + path_library msg += "\nSelect Tools-Options-Python and select a supported Python version" print(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Load the post processor exec("from v" + version_str + ".ABB_RAPID_S4C import RobotPost as BasePost") class RobotPost(BasePost): """Robot post object""" #------------------------ Customize your post using the following variables ---------------------- # Set the program file extension: #PROG_EXT = 'mod' # IRC5 (newer controllers) PROG_EXT = "prg" # S4 (older controllers) # Set if we want to generate the main/first program as a Main() program. The name of the main/first program will be replaced by Main() # Example: PROC Main() instead of PROG Prog1() #FIRST_PROG_AS_MAIN = False # It will generate PROG Prog1() (or the name set in the RoboDK program) FIRST_PROG_AS_MAIN = True # It will generate PROG Main() # Default maximum number of lines per program. If a program exceeds this value it will then generate multiple "pages" (files) # This value can also be set in Tools-Options-Program-Maximum number of lines per program. #MAX_LINES_X_PROG = 20000 # recommended for IRC5: 20000 MAX_LINES_X_PROG = 5000 # recommended for S4: 5000 # Include subprograms in the main module: # Set to True to include sub programs in the same module INCLUDE_SUB_PROGRAMS = True # Specify the maximum lines of code allowed to include a subprogram in the main/first program # If a subprogram exceeds this number of lines of code it will be generated as a separate module MAX_SUBPROG_LINES = 500 # External dripfeed: set to True if you use an external tool to load the programs (such as RAPBOX): #EXTERNAL_DRIPFEEDER = True # It will not generate a main program to load subprograms. Each subprogram will be called Main(). This is suitable for RAPBOX. EXTERNAL_DRIPFEEDER = False # It will generate a main program to load subprograms. # Remote path to place programs in the robot controller # When program splitting takes place we need this path to load programs on the fly RAPID_REMOTE_PATH = "/hd0a/Enter-Serial-Number/HOME/RoboDK" # Set if you want to ignore the setup of the turntable (or external axis) on the controller # If you set it to True it means the controller will not be aware of the axis # (you can't move using a synchronized movement and the turntable will not hold the wobjdata) TURNTABLE_IGNORE = False # default: False # Specify the mechanical unit name for linear track and/or turntable, if required. # This name will be added to the wobjdata variable #MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = 'T6003' #MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = 'STN1' MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = "Turntable_Mechanical_Unit_Name" # Enter the axes ratio for external axes, if required #AXES_RATIO = [1,1,1,1,1,1, -1,1,1] AXES_RATIO = None # Specify the mechanical unit name for linear track and/or turntable, if required. # This name will be added to the wobjdata variable # MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = 'T6003' # MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = 'STN1' MECHANICAL_UNIT_NAME = "Turntable_Mechanical_Unit_Name" # Enter the axes ratio for external axes, if required #AXES_RATIO = [1,1,1,1,1,1, -1,1,1] AXES_RATIO = None # Default speed SPEED_MMS = 500 # Default speed variable # Example: [500,500,5000,1000] SPEEDDATA = "v500" # Default rounding ZONEDATA = "z1" # Default tool TOOLDATA = "tool0" # Default reference WOBJDATA = "wobj0" def setDO(self, io_var, io_value): """Set a Digital Output""" if type(io_var) != str: # set default variable name if io_var is a number io_var = 'DO_%02i' % io_var if type(io_value) != str: # set default variable value if io_value is a number if io_value > 0: io_value = '1' else: io_value = '0' # at this point, io_var and io_value must be string values self.addline('SetDO %s, %s;' % (io_var, io_value)) pass if __name__== "__main__": exec("from v" + version_str + ".ABB_RAPID_S4C import test_post") test_post()